Welcome to the EXILE TRIBE Wiki! Before making your first step here, please read the rules and the guidelines of the wiki. It is recommended to see the wiki on desktop.



Here follows a guideline on how to upload and use images and videos in the wiki.


  • The pages should include only professional images for the artists and groups from official sources authorized by copyright. Images from fan accounts, personal accounts, or non-artist accounts are not allowed.
  • Do not re-upload pictures that have already been uploaded or posted.
  • When uploading a new image, please do not overwrite an existing one unless it is to replace with a higher quality version.
  • Fanart, self-created/edited images, memes, screenshots are not allowed on the articles.
  • Unused/abandoned images can be cleaned up and deleted.
  • It is extremely prohibited to upload pictures and videos from the fanclubs or from EXILE TRIBE/LDH mobile sites that are exclusive to the subscribers. It is not only prohibited to share here but it is also against the rules of the sites.



  • Images should be placed in their respective articles and/or galleries.
  • The main photo placed in the groups and artists infoboxes should follow the latest or last promotional picture.
  • When included in the main article body, images should be scaled down to thumbnail size.
  • An image can only appear once in an article. Any duplicates of the image will be removed.
  • Member and group infoboxes should include only one promotional picture per member or group. For concurrent members or members with solo career, use the tabs to distinguish the images and the acts. The images should be ordered by the release date, with the latest one being the main tab.
    • Example:
|Tab1 = Solo
|Image = EXILE TAKAHIRO - Michi promo.jpg
|Caption = EXILE TAKAHIRO promoting "[[Michi#EXILE TAKAHIRO Version|Michi]]" (2022)
|Tab2 = EXILE
|Image2 = TAKAHIRO - Ai no Tame ni.jpg
|Caption2 = TAKAHIRO promoting "[[Ai no Tame ni ~for love, for a child~]]" (2020)
|Image3 = TAKAHIRO_-_4REAL.jpg
|Caption3 = TAKAHIRO promoting ''[[4REAL]]'' (2019)


When uploading, please use a descriptive name for easy identification and use. Please avoid naming with punctuation marks (with exception of - (hypen) and () (parenthesis)) and special characters so it is easier for the editor to place the image without having to search it.

Groups and members

An image should be named as the following: Group name or Member name - name of release (eg. album, single, tour's name etc.) → image type (eg. teaser, poster, promo etc. (for groups and solo artists specifically)). If the promo image is not directed for a release, put the month and year the image was made available under parenthesis instead.

Images that are in a same release/set must be labeled with numbers in chronological order (eg. ...teaser photo (1).png, ...teaser photo (2).png, etc.)



For releases (such as albums, singles, or photobooks) it should be named as the following: Group name or Artist name - name of releasetype (if more than one type; eg. CD only, limited, regular, digital, etc.) → cover. To avoid conflicts with the features of the wiki, please avoid using punctuation marks (with exception of - (hypen) and () (parenthesis)) and special characters when naming.


Quality and formats

  • Images should be in decent quality as they are preferred over low resolution and bad quality images. The exception for that are old content where a good quality image can not be found.
  • The maximum file size on Fandom is 10MB.
  • GIFs are allowed in the articles as long the original was also a gif.
  • Photos with unofficial/large news watermarks or subtitles are not acceptable and will be deleted.


  • Videos should be placed in their respective articles and/or galleries.
  • The videos should come from the group/artists' official channels independent of the service.
  • You can upload music videos of the groups/artists not posted by the labels/artists only if they are not uploaded by them officially, or are region blocked outside of Japan.


Unlike the images, for the videos you can keep the original title as it is due to the technical restriction of renaming files that have dots in its title.

You can upload a video in the dedicated videos page of the wiki by clicking the button Add a Video placed in the top of the page and pasting a link of the video.

For more details about adding videos in the wiki, see this page.


If additional help is needed, you can contact the wiki's admin for more specific questions.

If you need more help with the features of the wiki, you can look at the Community Central wiki.

Credits to the Kpop Wiki.
