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Aoyagi Sho

Aoyagi Sho (青柳翔) is a Japanese actor and singer. He is member of the theater troupe GEKIDAN EXILE and also a soloist.


Aoyagi was born on April 12, 1985 in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. He has two older brothers.[1]

In 2006, Aoyagi participated in the EXILE VOCAL BATTLE AUDITION 2006 ~ASIAN DREAM~. He was defeated in the secondary examination and was later invited to try a play,[2] and chose EXPG to learn about acting and singing.

In 2009, Aoyagi started his acting debut in the stage play Attack No.1, and became a member of GEKIDAN EXILE.[2]

In June 2016, his song "Maria" was featured on HiGH&LOW ORIGINAL BEST ALBUM soundtrack, being his first time promoting as a singer.

On October 26, 2016, he debuted as a solo artist with the single "Naita Rosario" under the Sony Music Associated Records label.

In late 2020, his website and social accounts were removed, implying that his contract with Sony Music had expired.

In August 2021, it was announced that Aoyagi would participate in WOWOW's 30th anniversary project "Actors' Short Film 2", for which he would direct and appear in a short film under given conditions. The works of this project would also compete in the Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (SSFF & ASIA).[3][4] Later, it was revealed that Aoyagi's film would be titled Ikuenimo. and star Murakami Nijiro.[5][6][7]

In April 2022 he starred in the stage play Sanjuro Dai Katsugeki which was first performed in 1994.[8][9][10][11][12][13]


Studio Albums
  1. [2019.07.17]

  1. [2016.10.26] Naita Rosario
  2. [2017.06.07] Sonnan ja nai
  3. [2017.11.29] Snow!
Pre-release Digital Singles
  1. [2016.10.19] Naita Rosario
  2. [2019.06.26] HOME

Collaboration / Others



  • [2010] Futatabi swing me again (ふたたび swing me again)
  • [2012] Mengeki! (メンゲキ!)
  • [2012] Kyo, Koi o Hajimemasu (今日、恋をはじめます)
  • [2013] KON-SHIN
  • [2013] Judas (ユダ)
  • [2013] Sango Ranger (サンゴレンジャー)
  • [2014] Tokyo Nanmin (東京難民)
  • [2014] Ju-On -The Beginning of the End- (呪怨 -終わりの始まり-)
  • [2015] Sesshi 100℃ no Binetsu (摂氏100℃の微熱)
  • [2015] Yakuza Apocalypse (極道大戦争)
  • [2016] ROAD TO HiGH&LOW
  • [2016] HiGH&LOW THE MOVIE
  • [2017] Tatara Samurai (たたら侍)
  • [2017] HiGH&LOW THE MOVIE 2 / END OF SKY
  • [2017] Mr.Long (ミスター・ロン)
  • [2018] jam
  • [2021] Korou no Chi LEVEL2 (孤狼の血LEVEL2)
  • [2022] ALIVEHOON (アライブフーン)[14][15]
  • [2022] Teida ~Itsuka Taiyou no Shita o Arukitai~ (てぃだ ~いつか太陽の下を歩きたい~)[16][17]
  • [2023] Kodokuna Rakuen (孤独な楽園)[18]
  • [2023] Sefure no Hinkaku: Hatsukoi (セフレの品格 初恋)[19][20]
  • [2023] Sefure no Hinkaku: Ketsui (セフレの品格 決意)[19][20]
  • [2023] 1%er (ワンパーセンター)[21]
Short Films
  • [2018] Utamonogatari -CINEMA FIGHTERS project- "Our Birthday"
  • [2020] OFFICE AUGUSTA presents SHORT FILM "Boku to Kimi" (ボクと君) (Episodes 1, 4)
  • [2022] Ikuenimo. (いくえにも。)
TV Dramas
  • [2009] Shin Oishinbo 3 (新・美味しんぼ3 海原雄山VS究極七人のサムライ)
  • [2011] LADY ~Saigo no Hanzai Profile~ (LADY〜最後の犯罪プロファイル〜)
  • [2011] Rokudenashi BLUES (ろくでなしBLUES)
  • [2011] Watashi ga Ren'ai Dekinai Riyuu (私が恋愛できない理由)
  • [2012] Noro (祝女) (Season 3)
  • [2012] Clover (クローバー)
  • [2012] Tasogare Ryusei-gun ~Hoshi furu Hotel~ (黄昏流星群〜星降るホテル〜)
  • [2012] Kekkon Shinai (結婚しない)
  • [2013] Apoyan ~Hashiru Kokusai Kukou (あぽやん〜走る国際空港)
  • [2013] Kumo no Kaidan (雲の階段)
  • [2013] Shikei-dai no 72-jikan (死刑台の72時間)
  • [2014] Shitamachi Bobsleigh (下町ボブスレー)
  • [2014] Jishaku Otoko (磁石男)
  • [2014] Zero no Shinjitsu ~Kansatsu-i Mao Matsumoto~ (ゼロの真実〜監察医・松本真央〜)
  • [2014] Autobahn Maru wo no Onna Keiji Eiko Yagami (アウトバーン マル暴の女刑事・八神瑛子)
  • [2014] Seijo (聖女)
  • [2014] First Class (ファーストクラス) (episode 2)
  • [2015] Oh, Love Hotel (ああ、ラブホテル) (episode 3)
  • [2015] Utsukushiki Wana ~Zanka Ryoran~ (美しき罠〜残花繚乱〜)
  • [2015] WILD HEROES (ワイルド・ヒーローズ)
  • [2015] Unfair the special Double Meaning Rensa (アンフェア the special ダブル・ミーニング 連鎖)
  • [2015] HiGH&LOW ~THE STORY OF S.W.O.R.D.~
  • [2016] Kinpika (きんぴか)
  • [2016] HiGH&LOW Season 2
  • [2016] Soseki Monmon Natsume Soseki Saigo no Koi Kyotogion no Niju Kyu-kakan (漱石悶々 夏目漱石最後の恋 京都祇園の二十九日間)
  • [2017] Shimokitazawa Die Hard (下北沢ダイハード) (episode 8)
  • [2017] Ashita no Yakusoku (明日の約束)
  • [2017] Medamayaki no Kimi Itsu Tsubusu? (目玉焼きの黄身 いつつぶす?)
  • [2018] Kuinige Killer (食い逃げキラー)
  • [2018] Tokyo Sentimental Special ~Ochanomizu no Koi~ (東京センチメンタルSP 〜御茶ノ水の恋〜)
  • [2018] Good Bye (グッド・バイ)
  • [2018] Shufu Katsu! (主婦カツ!)
  • [2018] Anata ni wa Watasanai (あなたには渡さない)
  • [2018] Plastic Smile (プラスティック・スマイル)
  • [2019] Akuto ~Kagai-sha Tsuiseki Chosa~ (悪党 〜加害者追跡調査〜)
  • [2020] 13
  • [2020] 1H Sense (1Hセンス)
  • [2021] Watashi no Otto wa Reitoko ni Nemutteiru (私の夫は冷凍庫に眠っている)
  • [2021] Ikite, Futatabi Hogoshi Fukaya Zensuke (生きて、ふたたび 保護司・深谷善輔)
  • [2021] Chef wa Metantei (シェフは名探偵) (episode 4)[22]
  • [2023] Get Ready! (episode 4)
  • [2023] Nihon Toitsu Kanto-hen (日本統一 関東編)[23][24][25][26]
  • [2023] Nankai Trough Kyodai Jishin (南海トラフ巨大地震)
  • [2023] Mama wa Bartender: Koyoi mo Odorou (ママはバーテンダー~今宵も踊ろう~) (episode 8)
  • [2023] Naniwa no Ban-san! Oishi Oishi Hashirimeshi (なにわの晩さん!美味しい美味しい走り飯) (episode 4)
  • [2023] Nami yo Kiite Kure (波よ聞いてくれ) (episode 3)
  • [2023] CODE -Negai no Daishou- (CODE-願いの代償-)
  • [2023] Banshaku no Ryugi 2 (晩酌の流儀2) (episode 1)[27]
Digital Dramas
  • [2012] Kakaricho Aoshima Shunsaku 2 Jiken wa Matamata Torishirabe-shitsu de Okite iru! (係長 青島俊作 2 事件はまたまた取調室で起きている!)
  • [2013] Gozen 3-ji no Muho Chitai (午前3時の無法地帯)
  • [2017] Medamayaki no Kimi Itsu Tsubusu? #0 (目玉焼きの黄身いつつぶす? #0)
  • [2018] Konda Teru no Goho Recipe (紺田照の合法レシピ)
  • [2018] Aitsu ni wa Watasanai (あいつには渡さない)
  • [2019] Hana ni Kedamono ~Second Season~ (花にけだもの 〜Second Season〜)
  • [2020] Imawa no Kuni no Arisu (今際の国のアリス)
  • [2022] Imawa no Kuni no Arisu Season 2 (「今際の国のアリス」シーズン2)[28][29]
  • [2023] Saraba, Ju yo Keishicho Tokubetsu Ju So Han (さらば、銃よ 警視庁特別銃装班)[30]
  • [2023] Kasou Girei (仮想儀礼)[31][32][33]
  • [2022] Sanjuro Dai Katsugeki (三十郎大活劇)[34]
  • [2023] Galapacospacos ~Shinka shi ten no ka shi tenai no ka~ (ガラパコスパコス 〜進化してんのかしてないのか〜)[35]
  • [2024] A BETTER TOMORROW -Otokotachi no Banka- (A BETTER TOMORROW -男たちの挽歌-)[36][37]


Music Video Appearances


  • [2012.07.19] Gekkan MEN Aoyagi Sho
  • [2018.05.24] AOYAGI SHOW




  • [2012] 22th Japanese Film Critics Awards Newcomer Award (Toshiko Minami Award) (Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu)


  • For his role as "Aguni" in Alice in Borderland (2020), he shaved his head and gained about 20 kg.[38]
  • Owns a dog. He also doesn't want to be away from home for more than 12 hours due to his pet.[39]
  • Likes to go camping, especially alone.[39]
  • Is friends with Murakami Nijiro.[40] They acted together in the Netflix series Alice in Borderland and Murakami starred in the short film Ikuenimo. directed by Aoyagi.


  1. https://natalie.mu/eiga/news/473427
  2. 2.0 2.1 http://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2022685/full/
  3. https://natalie.mu/eiga/news/441263
  4. https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2203922/full/
  5. https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2220382/full/
  6. https://realsound.jp/movie/2022/01/post-942423.html
  7. https://natalie.mu/eiga/news/475784
  8. https://www.tokyoheadline.com/596636/
  9. https://realsound.jp/movie/2022/01/post-955777.html
  10. https://natalie.mu/stage/news/463248
  11. https://mdpr.jp/news/detail/2978133
  12. https://spice.eplus.jp/articles/298208
  13. https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20220126-2257657/
  14. https://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/news/202201140000435.html
  15. https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2220966/full/
  16. https://natalie.mu/eiga/news/473500
  17. https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2231050/full/
  18. https://m.tribe-m.jp/news/detail?news_id=40607
  19. 19.0 19.1 https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2269853/full/
  20. 20.0 20.1 https://hochi.news/articles/20230301-OHT1T51241.html?page=1
  21. https://m.tribe-m.jp/news/detail?news_id=44458
  22. https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2197604/full/
  23. https://natalie.mu/eiga/news/512552
  24. https://mdpr.jp/drama/detail/3600432
  25. https://realsound.jp/movie/2023/02/post-1256962.html
  26. https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2267509/full/
  27. https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2285109/full/
  28. https://natalie.mu/eiga/news/471676
  29. https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2229549/full/
  30. https://m.tribe-m.jp/news/detail?news_id=42354
  31. https://natalie.mu/eiga/news/547140
  32. https://realsound.jp/movie/2023/10/post-1475215.html
  33. https://www.tvlife.jp/drama/627574
  34. https://m.tribe-m.jp/news/detail?news_id=36736
  35. https://mdpr.jp/news/detail/3777111
  36. https://m.tribe-m.jp/news/detail?news_id=46482
  37. https://natalie.mu/music/news/565281
  38. https://www.cinematoday.jp/news/N0121175
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 https://engekisengen.com/genre/play/65228/
  40. https://natalie.mu/eiga/news/464186

External Links[]
